Q&A: Can someone explain to me what this means about printer interfaces?
Question by Kard Kardi: Can someone explain to me what this means about printer interfaces?
We are getting a new copier at work and someone from work sent me this email and I do not understand what this means. I know that most people may think this is common knowledge but I just don’t get it. Help me out before I respond.
“They will have an IT person come out and set up all the folders and printer
interfaces to any computers you would like. So the folders for scanning the computers to have print capability”.
Whats a printer interface too? No clue, please help!
Best answer:
Answer by D J
Your computer will need to ping the printer to make sure they can talk to each other. Your luck the tech will do this for you. At my work we just have to do it all ourselves. Be sure to pay attention to what the tech does in case your have to un-install & re-install.
No worries!
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Basically what they’re going to do is setup access to any of the printers in your office, which sounds like the new one you’re getting, that are on the network or connected directly to computers so that those who want to print to certain printers can. They’ll be basically installing the necessary software on each computer, which will create their own folders for the drivers and such, and setup the computers to connect to the appropriate printers’ interface so that everyone has access.
The interfaces can be a network connection, wireless, or USB cable. The installation tech should know what to do and set them all up for you without you having to really worry about it. Just know what & where the printers are that you want people to be able to access and use and they should be able to do the rest.
The way they worded it is kind of strange and sounds like whoever sent it doesn’t really understand the whole process either. Just know that the techs will be able to take care of it.