Sharp Copiers – Cleaning the Laser Unit

When the laser unit inside the machine becomes dirty, line patterns (colored lines) may form in the printed image. If line patterns (colored lines) appear, clean the laser unit.
This video demonstrates how to clean the laser unit of your Sharp Multi Function Device.
How to clean laser printer, fax, etc.?
Question by pmejiasshopp: How to clean laser printer, fax, etc.?
Here at my job we used to order a product called Scrubex printer/fax cleaning sheets. They were alcohol based sheets you put through the printers, fax machines and copiers to clean them. I found out that they are no longer made (probably some idiots were getting high off of them). Does anyone have any other suggestions on how I can clean our equipment. I was thinking of maybe running a sheet of paper with alcohol on it through, but I don’t want to mess anything up. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Chimanlal Desai
1) Turn off and unplug the laser printer.
2) Remove each toner cartridge and use disposable paper towels to wipe up any excess toner spills collected near and around the rollers. Excess toner buildup in the printer can travel and clog other printer areas with dust. This can drastically affect the quality of your printed copies. Put the toners back in their respective positions and close the unit.
3) Plug the printer back in.
4) Clean the printer rollers with pretreated cleaning printing sheets. Available at most office supply stores, these sheets grab excess dirt and grime as they pass through the rollers. Place a sheet in the top printer tray and run through as if to make a copy. If you opt not to use cleaning sheets, wipe down each roller using disposable paper towels (with the printer unplugged).
5) Clean the glass with either eyeglass cleaning wipes or printer glass cleaning fluid made specifically for cleaning printing machine glass and a soft cotton cloth.
6) Clean the outside of the printer. Take a dry, clean cotton cloth or disposable cloth made of natural fibers and wipe the printer clean from top to bottom.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Categories: Used Copier Questions Tags: clean, etc., Laser, printer
How do I clean a copy machine that uses toner cartridge?
Question by antron434: How do I clean a copy machine that uses toner cartridge?
Best answer:
Answer by Dubbya
When people ask this question, it’s usually because they’ve spilled a large amount of toner.
Be advised that if you have spilled a large amount of toner, using the printer will cause melted toner to stick to everything and you’ll have to toss it or get it repaired at great expense.
Doing so will pass toner through the motor. The heat will melt the toner, it’ll stick to the motor and you’ll be shopping for a new vacuum.
Don’t do anything to get toner particles airborne. Toner is a carcinogen and the particles can take hours to settle.
Don’t do anything that may apply heat to the loose toner. Once heated, it’ll melt and stick like glue to anything that isn’t Teflon coated.
There are a few options:
1) You can ignore sage advice and use your household vacuum cleaner.
2) You can disassemble the printer and sweep out the spilled toner then wonder why you have one little screw left over after you put it back together.
3) You can dump it upside down and shake the spilled toner out, which will probably break something else.
4) You can call an experienced service technician who has the correct type of vacuum and tools and have them do it for you.
Add your own answer in the comments!