Does anyone know why xerox transfers only work with certain copiers ?
Question by HollyM: Does anyone know why xerox transfers only work with certain copiers ?
I have had great results in the past with the xerox transfer process, but the copier I used at a local copy place is no longer available, I don’t even know much about it. All of the copiers I have used since will not transfer the image correctly.I am not sure why some copiers work and some don’t. I am clueless about digital copiers, toner, laser printers, etc.? Does anyone know what type of copier I need to use or what makes the xerox transfer work? Thanks for reading and for your help in advance.
Best answer:
Answer by Bryan C
They don’t work on different makes of machines because the toners are different but most importantly the fuser temperatures and pressures are different.
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Q&A: how to use scanner on those digital copiers?
Question by SA_QU8688: how to use scanner on those digital copiers?
I’m talking about those really big copy machines that have the fax, copier, and scanner all at once… please help 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Xerox Ct
Normally, there is an attachment on top of the copy machines where you can slide your document in to scan and or copy. I’m not sure if you can fax it at the same time, but these copy/scanners/fax machines are so quick that you won’t lose much time if you have to fax your document immediately after scanning.
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Categories: Used Copier Questions Tags: copiers, Digital, Scanner, those
10 Best Copiers Review

This quick video will give you a round down of the 10 best copiers review. By using this video as your guide you will recognize the great copiers there is to find.
You will understand more how you can choose the right one for you by watching this detailed video. This also goes out to small business who wants to make it easier and is in need of a copier in a very convenient way in enhancing options about it.
The video will help you be provided with all the information you need when it comes to copiers for sale. So enjoy and learn more in Los Angeles CA, copy machines and discover the 10 best copiers review!
I need to copy black print off of a red piece of paper but normal copiers (using red) make the whole pg black.?
Question by bob z: I need to copy black print off of a red piece of paper but normal copiers (using red) make the whole pg black.?
Does any one know of possibly a scanning device that would scan the text into a word document? It contains diagram and symbols which are hard to type.
Best answer:
Answer by jazzz
Try scanning it into a PDF instead. That should preserve the symbols, etc.
Use PDFcreator to do it. It’s a free PDF creator that installs like a printer. Link below.
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Q&A: I want to find out what to charge for my used copiers and printers?
Question by Waterstone: I want to find out what to charge for my used copiers and printers?
We bought two new copiers and are getting rid of several older copiers and printers purchased in 2002 and 2003. They are older, but still functional so we figured in this economy, fledgling businesses might want to purchase used equipment cheaply. I am not sure what to charge for them. Does anyone know of a site where I can figure out a fair cost? They are Ricohs and Xeroxes. I plan to list them on Craigslist…purchaser to haul away. We still have lots of supplies for the Xerox printers as well since we weren’t sure when the funding for the new copiers was going to come through from corporate.
These copiers and printers were $ 10,000-$ 40,000 when first purchased so I am pretty sure they are worth more than $ 35 now!
Best answer:
Answer by Ann S
One thing is see if your xerox printers are on the list from xerox to be used as trade in on newer models. Contact them by way of their website or if you have a rep from xerox that handled your account they would have this info. Also were the xerox supplies purchased from xerox or part of your metered supplies? If purchased you can ship back to xerox for credit . If part of your metered supplies you wouldn’t be able to get credit and should sell the supplies separately. Check with your rep.
In regards to your Ricohs basically the same applies. You just need to contact the rep for those products. If you want to out right sell I would check on eBay, Craigslist etc. and see what they go for.
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Copiers: A Playful Look at How They Work

Copy machines are always helpful in the workplace. It’s one piece of engineering that a lot of businesses could not survive without.
In this video, professor Bill Hammack makes use of certain tools to take apart a photocopier with the help of his handy manual. He shows how it works, and shines some light on its invention by Chester Carlson.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Vinpower USB & SD Card Copiers

The video you are about to see will be very interesting. It will talk about a machine that can have tons of copies with your USB or SD card.
This will be your solution if you need to have copies without doing it manually. We have a machine that will provide you with all the services you need about transferring data.
By watching this video you will understand the different things you have to remember about this amazing machine. The video will provide you with all the information that will help you know what to do to have copies.
So enjoy and learn more about this detailed video on Vinpower USB and SD card copiers!
Q&A: What kind of UPS do I need to connect two copiers Canon GP605?
Question by d_exequtor: What kind of UPS do I need to connect two copiers Canon GP605?
I want to know what kind of UPS do I need to connect two copiers Canon GP605. I want it mainly for protection but it has to provide me at least 15 min of operating time. Thank you for all of your answers.
Best answer:
Answer by Zach
It’s been a while, but from what I understand it’s a really bad idea to do this. If it has a built in laser printer then you should never hook a UPS up to it. They draw too much power, and from what little I’ve googled on the subject of those copiers, it would likely ruin ANY UPS that you buy.
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