Quick Copying Guide: Faculty Copy machine

A photocopier (also coined as a copier or copy machine) is a machine that makes paper copies of documents and other visual images rather quickly and cheaply. Here is a short video tutorial on how to make copies on a new copier.
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Posted by UsedCopiers -
March 9, 2014 at 10:37 am
Categories: Videos Tags: copies, Copy, copy machine, Copying, faculty, Guide, Machine, Quick, quickly, tutorial, video, Video Rating
Does copying documents on a copy machine take up less ink than printing out the documents?
Question by Slayer XY: Does copying documents on a copy machine take up less ink than printing out the documents?
I have a printer and a copy machine and I’ve written part 1 of my story that I wanted to share with 3 of my friends and get their opinion on the first part of it. I’m just wondering if there’s a way that I can use less ink.
Best answer:
Answer by Robin G
A copier usually uses toner, not ink. It’s generally cheaper because of it’s lower quality. The problem would be if your “copy machine” is your all in one desktop inkjet, which would use the same amount of ink regardless. In the long run, copying has been cheaper in my experience for text.
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