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Q&A: If a buy a used copy machine and docs are on the hard drive , Do i own them also?

Question by : If a buy a used copy machine and docs are on the hard drive , Do i own them also?
I seen on the news people can buy them for around 300$ and they have hard drives. They have docs saved on them. almost no companies will erase them. So if someone got one and it has trade secrets or other goodies from a company. Do they own them also when buying the machine?

Best answer:

Answer by Natty_Dread
As long as second hand copy machines are concerned, finding documents inside its hard drive after purchasing it doesn’t mean that you own those documents already. You can be held liable for copyright infringements, especially if you are going to use those materials personally. You only bought the machine in the first place and documents inside the machine you bought were not part of the transaction, unless it has something to do with the machine itself (e.g. machine manual).

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Posted by UsedCopiers - February 13, 2012 at 3:43 pm

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