Posts tagged "thier"

I have two Xerox printing machines for my business. Is there any computer software or a coin machine I can use?

Question by : I have two Xerox printing machines for my business. Is there any computer software or a coin machine I can use?
I have other services at my business and I need to know how to have customers use the copier without my help so that I can spend more time working other services. Is there any cards that i can give out to customers so that they can swipe for copies?Is there a way to add a debit card to my machines?

Best answer:

Answer by Irene Z
Actually no. Neither can you trust customers to be honest. But I do know that it is tedious to do such thing, so get the cheapest manpower you can find – students/whatever, station them to handle the machine and record the sales and collect the money.

Every Xerox comes with a click charge number, so you will actually know at the end of the day whether the amount collected tallies with the copies made.

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Posted by UsedCopiers - March 23, 2012 at 11:16 am

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