An Office Copier Is All You Need
One of the best things that the inventions of the latest generation have to offer is its being multifunctional. It is like having all things at once and in an instant. You purchase one machine that comes in being able to work two or more other jobs. It may cost you big but it will be worth it. One of those things includes the copier.
If you look a few years back, you will only see a simple copier that does only what it is named after, and that is to copy. But with the ever evolving technology of the world, this is not the case anymore. That ordinary copier developed into something more, something that will make your work easier and more bearable.
Let us begin from the main purpose of the copier and that is obviously to copy or to reproduce. Somehow before, it is only limited to a hundred or so that takes too long to finish. But right now, you can have as many as you want in just a few minutes to spare. It also comes in offset printing right now. This means that the ability of digital sorting will allow you to copy, print or fax from side to side without the need of an external tool. There is no limit whatsoever to the number of copies it can sort. Even with a lot of production, high quality printing is assured as it is used in all kinds of copiers. Since fax has been previously mentioned, copiers way back do not have this option. It was just recently that the copiers can also allow you to send and receive faxes. You are not only enclosed into sending to another copier or fax machine but also in computers as long as you have the available network for it.
With the growing industry involving copiers, there is sure to have a stiff competition. You just have to know what you want and look for it at the right places. You can always check on product reviews and find out the ones that are considered favorites. And before buying, never forget to test the machine just so you know if that is the one you are looking for. If so, then you are now set to have the office running with the right copier by your side.
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Categories: Copier Articles Tags: copiers, things, want, work
Office Copier Rage
You’re stressed at work. You have deadlines to meet. And the your copier decides to act up on you! What do you do? You release the kraken! LOL just for laughs!
Categories: Videos Tags: copier rage, funny video, LOL, office rage, work
Buying A Copier Machine
Copiers may almost always seem as uninteresting machines. Nevertheless, they are totally significant especially when you have endless paperwork daily. They have the ability to reproduce tons of copies of a particular document much faster. This way, you need not re-type or re-print the documents given that it could be very time-consuming.
Do you have any idea who invented machine? That would be the American man with the name Chester Carlson. His desperate need to reproduce several patents in a shorter period of time inspired such creation. Initially, he tried using the concept of photography, but it was ruled out immediately. Afterwards, he came up with the realization that the photoconductivity of the surface of specific materials could actually be increased and this could aid him in reproducing many copies of certain documents at a short period of time. Because of this, modern office work is so much more convenient!
If you want to buy one, know beforehand that there are many models that are multifunctional. They can print and scan. Thus, you wouldn’t have to buy separate scanners or printers. Very cost-effective!
If you work in an office, suffice it to say, copier machines are very helpful. Also, it can be of help to students, researchers, writers, and the likes.
When buying, look into the speed of the machine. See to it that you know exactly how many copies it can produce in a minute. You must also check the resolution or clarity. You should consider if you prefer a color or black and white model. Last but not least, you must take into consideration the price. Having a copier machine can be extremely helpful so you have to see to it that you buy the best and most functional one.
Categories: Copier Articles Tags: copier machine, copiers, copies, need, time, work
Does anyone know why xerox transfers only work with certain copiers ?
Question by HollyM: Does anyone know why xerox transfers only work with certain copiers ?
I have had great results in the past with the xerox transfer process, but the copier I used at a local copy place is no longer available, I don’t even know much about it. All of the copiers I have used since will not transfer the image correctly.I am not sure why some copiers work and some don’t. I am clueless about digital copiers, toner, laser printers, etc.? Does anyone know what type of copier I need to use or what makes the xerox transfer work? Thanks for reading and for your help in advance.
Best answer:
Answer by Bryan C
They don’t work on different makes of machines because the toners are different but most importantly the fuser temperatures and pressures are different.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Copiers: A Playful Look at How They Work

Copy machines are always helpful in the workplace. It’s one piece of engineering that a lot of businesses could not survive without.
In this video, professor Bill Hammack makes use of certain tools to take apart a photocopier with the help of his handy manual. He shows how it works, and shines some light on its invention by Chester Carlson.
Video Rating: 4 / 5